Local Gynecologist Fired For Helping Co-Worker Find Her G-Spot


700WLW Cincinnati

(Montgomery)–Dr. Kurt Froehlich, an OB-GYN with an office on Cooper Rd, has lost his license to practice medicine.

Froehlich has admitted to helping a patient, who was also a co-worker, find her G-spot during an exam. He also admitted to bringing that woman to orgasm during work hours at a later date.

The State Board says they also factored in an assault charge that Froelich pleaded no contest to.

Dr. Kurt Froehlich has until February 14th to wrap up his practice at 7770 Cooper Road in Montgomery.

If you needed any more proof that it’s impossible to satisfy a woman, look no further than this story right here. Lots of ladies are out there complaining about their boyfriend’s inability to lay it down, but as soon as a guy goes and does his lady friend a service and helps her find the G-spot, he gets himself fired. Talk about peaks and valleys, man. One minute you have chicks literally wrapped around the tip your finger, then before you know it you’re standing in line with those scumbags at the unemployment office. Help me understand exactly how is it that a girl can’t find her G-spot in the first place? I realize that’s a problem I’ll never have to deal with but if I’m a chick and I’ve been on this Earth for 20+ years I feel like I’d have figured that out by now. Hell, I discover new shit about myself damn near every day. Usually more good than bad, but I’m like the Christopher Columbus of discover rogue body hair, so I just have a tough time buying that shorty didn’t really know the in’s and out’s of her own meat wallet. I just shutter to think of what this world is coming to when guys who are actually good enough to figure out that rubix cube they call a vagina have to worry about unemployment and possible criminal charges at the expense of pleasuring a beautiful woman. Fortunately, your boy should be in the clear. You could give me a road map and all the female anatomy classes in the world and I’d still probably have a better chance of finding Bigfoot than a chick’s G-spot.

About Q-Ball

Owner, operator Queencitybeerleague.com. AKA The Commish. Q-Ball is that asshole at the office who refuses to brew a fresh pot of coffee. Not because he doesn't want to, he's just too embarrassed to admit that he doesn't know how.
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